If you would like to become a member of The Friends Of Sri Lanka Association, please click on the Application Form and complete it and return with either the standing order form below, duly completed or your cheque to :-
B V Rawlings
The Friends of Sri Lanka Association,
48 Cleveland Road,
West Sussex, BN13 2ES
Annual Membership
Subscription payable on joining and thereafter on 2nd January each year
- Single £15.00 p.a.
- Joint (Member and spouse/partner) £22.50 p.a.
Life Membership
One-off payment
- Single £150.00
- Joint (Member and spouse/partner) £225.00.
Corporate Membership
For an annual fee of £75 (payable on joining and thereafter on 2nd January each year), corporate membership is open to business people, charities, professional associations and similar groups as well as companies active in trade and investment between the UK and Sri Lanka. Special arrangements are being made for FOSLA Corporate Members to receive a free Sri Lankan magazine "Business Today" on a monthly basis courtesy of BT Options.
Corporate Members have the opportunity to partner with us in selected events, advertise annually in our newsletter, bring up to 4 guests to events at the member's rate and serve on the committee if interested (two places are reserved for corporate members).